Signs your Energy Centers(chakras) are out of balance.

Do you have those days where you are completely drained or just feel ‘off’ and out of balance, and you just can’t explain it? You can’t seem to focus at work, you turn the coffee maker on but forget to put water in it, or lose your keys when you normally always put them in the same spot. When you feel like your energy is off kilter, it literally is. On the flip side, you have those days where you feel on top of the world. You’re happy, and everything seems to be running smoothly and you think, “Wow, today is a great day!” This is when your energy is more in alignment.

Daily stresses of life and previous unprocessed trauma can begin to take a toll on your overall energy. Energetic wellness is the key to life! It’s essential to understand your energy and how to recognize when your energy is out of balance. Each Chakra is associated with nerve bundles, glands and organs in particular areas of your body and can impact your physical, emotional and spiritual wellness. Stagnation or lack of positive energy flow can cause emotional and physical manifestations throughout the body. If you have been feeling “off” and can’t quite pinpoint why, it may be time to take a look at your Energy Centers (chakras.)

Here are some signs your Energy Centers might be out of balance.

First Chakra – Root (Survival, Security, Trust); Blocked by Fear

Overly fearful about security and survival, feeling threatened, ungrounded, flighty, feeling of not belonging anywhere, weak constitution; or overly practical, lacking dreams and imagination, plodding, habitual, tied down; difficulty letting go, anxiety; problems with bones, feet, legs, colon, elimination, lethargy, eating disorders, panic attacks, hypochondria, paranoia, arthritis, sciatica, lower back pain, and cold extremities

Second Chakra – Sacral (Creativity, Pleasure); Blocked by Guilt

Emotionally cold, low-energy, low libido; difficulty changing, experiencing joy, and creating; or hyper-emotional, overly sexual, overly focused on physical pleasure and gratification, addiction, isolation; feeling guilt, regret, despair, jealousy, chronic boredom; problems with reproductive and urinary systems, and prostrate issues

Third Chakra – Solar Plexus (Will Power, Self-Esteem); Blocked by Shame

Lack of confidence and motivation, difficulty manifesting desires, inability to get things done, lack of self-esteem; or misuse of power, dominance, over-reliance on will (potentially leading to physical exhaustion); feeling shame, anger, timidity; problems with digestion (indigestion, ulcers, constipation), hypertension, chronic fatigue; kidney, liver, adrenal, pancreas, and gallbladder issues.

Fourth Chakra – Heart (Love of Self and Others, Healing); Blocked by Grief

Loneliness, lack of emotional fulfillment and difficulty accepting or giving love, lack of compassion, unhealthy relationships; or "loving too much”; lack of sense of connection to nature; unresolved grief, resentment, hopelessness, irritability, heartache; problems with heart or lungs, asthma, allergies, immune disorders, and high blood pressure

Fifth Chakra – Throat (Communication, Expression); Blocked by Silence, Deceit, Critical and Judgmental Words. Inability to communicate ideas, problems with self-expression and creativity; impatience, insomnia,unassertiveness, being manipulative, deceptive of self or others; problems with neck, shoulders, throat, teeth, gums, TMJ, and thyroid

Sixth Chakra – Third Eye (Perception, Intuition, Visualization); Blocked by Rigid Mindsets.

Lack of imagination, vision, and concentration; blocked or clouded intuition, indecisiveness, confusion, depression, distorted vision, delusional, distorted imagination/intuition; or overly reliant on logic and intellect; problems with vision, dizziness, headaches, nightmares

Seventh Chakra – Crown (Spirituality, Unity); Blocked by Materialism and Lack of Divine Connection. Spacey, ungrounded, impractical, indecisive, depressed, alienated, confused, cynical, angry, apathetic, plagued by sense of meaninglessness; or delusional, grandiose; self-destructive, no common sense; problems with brain, fibromyalgia, cognition.

When your energy is balanced and flowing, you restore your energetic integrity. When you’re in flow you hold a healthy balance between expansion and contraction, activation(doing), and receptivity(being/allowing.)


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